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  • 14-1 <i>Sacrifice of Isaac</i>, Lorenzo Ghiberti, bronze panel width:290;;height:400
  • 14-2 <i>Gates of Paradise</i>, east doors of the Florence Baptistry, Lorenzo Ghiberti width:333;;height:480
  • 14-3 Dome of Florence Cathedral, Brunelleschi width:400;;height:402
  • 14-4 <i>Holy Trinity</i>, fresco, Santa Maria Novella, Masaccio width:186;;height:480
  • 14-5 <i>Saint Mark</i>, Donatello width:176;;height:480
  • 14-6 <i>David</i>, Donatello width:256;;height:480
  • 14-7 <i>Birth of Venus</i>, Sandro Botticelli width:640;;height:398
  • 14-8 <i>Last Supper</i>, Leonardo Da Vinci width:640;;height:378
  • 14-9 <i>Mona Lisa</i>, Leonardo Da Vinci width:308;;height:480
  • 14-10 Tempietto of San Pietro, Montorio, Rome, Italy, Donato D'Angelo Bramante width:360;;height:480
  • 14-11 Plan for the New Saint Peter's, 1505,   Donato D'Angelo Bramante width:475;;height:480
  • 14-12 <i>La Pieta</i>, Michelangelo Buonarroti width:500;;height:480
  • 14-13 <i>David</i>, Michelangelo Buonarroti width:320;;height:480
  • 14-14 <i>Ceiling of the Sistine Chapel</i>, Michelangelo Buonarroti width:640;;height:442
  • 14-15 <i>School of Athens</i>, Raphael width:617;;height:480
  • 14-16 <I>Pastoral Symphony</i>, Giorgione width:524;;height:399
  • 14-17 <i>Sleeping Venus (Dresden Venus)</i>, Giorgione width:640;;height:391
  • 14-18 <i>Descent from the Cross</i>, Jacopo Da Pontormo width:284;;height:480
  • 14-19 <i>Madonna with the Long Neck</i>, Parmigianino width:296;;height:480
  • 14-20 <i>Venus, Cupid, Folly, and Time (or The Exposure of Luxury)</i>, Bronzino width:372;;height:480
  • 14-21 <i>Last Supper</i>, Tintoretto width:600;;height:383
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